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Exclusive Cadre Noir of Saumur ride

7 exclusive days into French Equestrian tradition

Exceptional and unique Cadre Noir of Saumur ride ! We plunge in the middle of the site and the slides of this mythical French institution.
We discover the French equestrian tradition, and make a turning by the Loire and its Romanesque abbeys.

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Day 1 : Arrival

Arrival at Hotel Anne d’Anjou****, on Loire banks in Saumur. Briefing, dinner and night at Hotel Anne d’Anjou.

Day 2 : Saumur castle - Cadre Noir of Saumur ride

AM – about 1h30 riding
Begining of the ride in front of château de Saumur to the the heights of Saint Hilaire saint Florent where the prestigious Cadre Noir and sumptuous installations of Ecole Nationale d’Equitation (french national riding school) are located. Lunch in Ecole Nationale d’Equitation.
PM – about 2h30 riding
Private ride inside ENE and special authorization to discover on horseback the eventing fences of Hippodrome de Verrie where International 3 days event is organized.
Private guided visit of the stables of Cadre Noir and Ecole Nationale d’Equitation.
Apéritif in Bar le Canter, place of rendez vous of riders and champions.
Dinner and night at hotel Anne d’Anjou****

Day 3 : Cadre Noir - Chenehutte - Trèves

AM – Private clinic with an ecuyer of Cadre Noir de Saumur which will explain to us the Traditional French Equestrian, and its application on the preparation and the progression of a dressage horse.
Lunch in Ecole Nationale d’Equitation.
PM – about 3 hours riding
Ride in the country side, then spectacular view on the Loire.
Visit of Romanesque churches of Chenehutte and Trèves.
Dinner and night at hotel Anne d’Anjou****

Day 4 : Cunault – Gennes – Saumur

AM – about 2h30 riding
Start of the ride to Prieuriale of Notre Dame de Cunault, a masterpiece of the Romanesque art.
Visit of Prieuriale of Notre Dame de Cunault.
Lunch at restaurant l’Aubergade in Gennes.
PM – about 2h00 riding
Ride along several megaliths, traces of the settlement to the Neolithic era.
Aperitif and dinner on a traditional boat of the Loire from Chenehutte to Saumur.
Dinner and night at hotel Anne d’Anjou****

Day 5 : Marçon - Parc Miniature Pierre & Lumière

AM – about 2h00 riding
Start of the ride from Ecole Nationale d’Equitation to Marson by wonderfull sandy alleys.
This village is inhabited since before JC; we discover remains of troglodyte habitations, the old romanesque chapel, and have a look on the private chateau. Lunch in toglodyte caves in Marson.
PM – about 2h00 riding
We ride first in the forest, then in the countryside to underground sculptures Pierre et Lumière, and museum of mushrooms. Visit of underground sculptures Pierre et Lumière, and museum of mushrooms.
Evening gala of the famous Cadre Noir de Saumur. Gourmet dinner in Saumur.
Night at Hotel Anne d’Anjou****

Day 6: Departure

Breakfast in Hotel Anne d’Anjou followed by your free departure. Transfers (not included) for Saumur train station or Saint Pierre des Corps.


Duration : 6 days / 5 nights / 4 days riding
Running from : April to October
Riders : Strong intermediate to Experienced.

Know in first when rides and dates are available.